Linux setup on my computer

linux,linux mint,ubuntu Linux compilation is meanly for me to remember a few step when I install linux mint 8 and ubuntu 9.10 into my Asus laptop. This blog contain all step I did installing and troubleshoot when using Linux.

Before this I'm using ubuntu 9.10 but after trying linux mint 8 I found out it easy on me. Maybe later I will change to other distro...well still this blog will be added all the step I do in that distro.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Network problem in linux mint

Ok another task to remember. Previously my network no problem... I can see all computer in my home 2 windows vista and 2 linux mint. Suddenly when I want to print my office task ... my network stop working no view on other computers. Still my wireless is ok..really confused do googling and found lots of suggestion until meet this webiste solve my problem ....hopefully next time happen I know what to do ... anyway first...

1. check the 'samba' on terminal if don't have install it.

2. gedit etc/nsswitch.conf

3. change this hosts: (got some text here) -> hosts: files wins dns

4. Then sudo apt-get install winbind

Then try browse "Network" hopefully can browse all computer in your network.


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